Emergency? Do not use this form 1-833-710-6477
Contact Us


Need to schedule an appointment?

Adults: (603) 225-0123

Children: (603) 228-0547



Walk-in intakes for mental health services, through Riverbend’s Community Support Program. All intake services take place at our 10 West Street location, in Concord, NH

Intakes are for adults 18 years and older, and are available during the following days and times:

  • Every Tuesday, from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

  • Every Wednesday, from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m.



Patricia McLaughlin

VP of Communications & Marketing

[email protected]

603-226-7505, ext. 4333


PLEASE NOTE: While we recognize the convenience of e-mail, we hold privacy and safety paramount. For that reason, electronic inquiries are reserved for NON-CLINICAL MATTERS ONLY. Responses to general inquiries that are conveyed electronically may take up to two weeks, and electronic communication regarding clinical matters WILL NOT BE RESPONDED TO. For personal or clinical matters we urge you to call us at 603-228-1600. We are not responsible for messages of an urgent, personal, or clinical nature that are sent via email.

In the event of a psychiatric emergency, NH Rapid Response Access Point is available to you 24-hours a day at 1/833-710-6477 or nh988.com for a local response and/or Mobile Crisis Services. Rapid Response is a new centralized system of phone, text, or chat support for people experiencing a crisis.

In addition, July 16, 2022 marked the launch of the National 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, which routes calls by area code not location. 988 is an additional option for individuals in crisis and does not replace NH Rapid Response.

Privacy Notice: Your privacy is paramount to us. We invite you to read our Privacy Policy.